QDMS: Reduce errors with Drawing Submittals
A drawing
submittal is the process by which drawings or samples are
submitted for review on a project.. A drawing submittal may be
used internally, or with external clients, consultants and
There are two key components in the
drawing submittal system for engineering and construction
Drawing List - A drawing list enables the sender to select
the drawings that are to be included in the drawing submittal.
Mailing List - A mailing list names all the recipients who
are to receive the drawing submittal.
The simple yet effective method of creating a drawing submittal is
based on selecting items from the drawing list and mailing list,
to be presented in the drawing submittal form.
Drawing Submittal system, tracks drawings and their recipients and
includes a range of features designed to assist users with the
submittal process. It reduces errors of working with superseded
drawings and saves on time and cost with optimal controls in place
to manage the flow of documents out of the office and to the
allows the sender to include a message, specifying the reason for
sending the submittal.
also records all submittals and their recipients. When a drawing
in a submittal has been revised,
automatically notifies the user that a drawing submittal must be
distributed to the list of previous recipients with the revised
The fundamentals of QDMS drawing submittal system include:
- Maintenance of a complete record of drawing revisions
- Identifies originator/authors of drawings
- Categorises other attributes (example discipline) of a drawing list for easier retrieval
- Creates drawing submittals containing the drawings required and a report of all related files
- Can post the drawing submittal set as email attachments.
There are
several drawing submittal software packages available, each with
their individual added features. Project and control requirements
should be assessed prior to selecting the most suitable drawing
submittal system for your work environment.