Document Control QDMS - Home Document Control
  System Purpose  
  Master Drawing Register  
  Drawing Transmittal  
  Drawing Management  
  Drawing Control  
  Controlled Documents  
  Viewing and Redlining  
  Revised Documents  
  Pending Transmittals  
  Transmittal History  
  Document Submittal  
  Document Register  
  Document History  
  System Requirements  
project management and document collaboration



QDMS provides an updated transmittal history

The transmittal history in QDMS, which is updated each time a transmittal is generated, is the equivalent of a filing cabinet of hard copy transmittals in the paper world.

The difference is, that by storing this data in a database, you can search for exactly what you want, without having to go laboriously through each transmittal.

There are three powerful transmittal history views:

  • By transmittal number displays a simple transmittal register in the top half of the screen with the documents on each transmittal displayed in the bottom half.

  • By recipient displays the address book in the top half of the screen with the documents sent to each recipient in the lower half.

  • By document displays the master document register in the top half of the screen and the recipients that have received each document in the lower half.

Note that the transmittal history is an auditable file. Information it stores cannot be changed.