QDMS: Checking Pending Transmittals regularly is part of the procedureHow do you currently know which of your recipients have superseded documents? Perhaps you maintain a manual matrix. Perhaps you use one of the project collaboration systems that shifts the responsibility of obtaining the latest revision to the recipient, a method with many inherent risks. In QDMS Pending transmittals are created automatically by a continual comparison between the latest revision of documents that have been sent to each recipient, and the current revision in the master document register. Once pending transmittal data has been created, it can be cleared only by either, sending each recipient the latest versions of documents for which they currently have superseded copies OR, by manually adjusting the distribution in the recipient document register. While users do not have to worry about building a distribution in QDMS as this is automated, they do have the power to adjust the distribution, if say a recipient no longer needs to receive revisions of one, or more documents. Checking pending transmittals regularly, is part of the standard operating procedure for QDMS.