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project management and document collaboration



QMS: Analysing material availability

Early identification of shortages is a key part of the materials management process. QMS enables planning to take place from either forecast deliveries (purchasing module)or material in stock (deliveries module).

For example, "what will I be short off based on planned production over the next two weeks and taking into consideration the expected deliveries in this period".

Alternatively this kind of analysis can be based on material in stock using the unique materials availability analysis wizard.

The QMS material availability analysis wizard is a powerful tool, for not only analysing what work can take place with the material currently in stock, but for generating the necessary paperwork for the issue of material.

The Analysis can be carried out for:

  • The work required at a particular location . . .
  • for one of more areas/packages of work . . .
  • taking into account material in stock at one or more locations . . .
  • and the priority of the work to be completed.

Once the analysis has been performed, QMS can automatically "issue" the correct material, and generate a movement docket to accompany the material issue.